The sunset bar and grill is an iconic beach bar at the end of runway. The planes are close enough to see the captain wave to those below. The bar itself is off to the side and gives enough cover from the blowing sand from the planes that take off. There are always those who either get caught up in the moment or fueled by a few island libations, stand at the fence and are blown into the ocean as the plane taxis down the runway. The plane schedules are posted on the surf board shown below, so after you have seen one and cooled off with an amstel bright and checked out the gift shop, lets continue down the road.
About a mile down the road on the other side of the downtown area, I was introduced to a hidden gem named Mullet Bay. It was more of locals beach and a great little afternoon escape. You walk down the windy dusty road and it opens up to a little swath of beach in a cove. Right away you realize that you have left the tourist laden Sunset bar and grill, which was good for a check off the bucket list, and entered another world. It consisted of two shacks from which the most amazing smells of meats consumed your senses. You can rent chairs and an umbrella for your afternoon siesta. A short jaunt down the beach led me to another beach shack where you could use the porta pottie and get your beers for two dollars a piece.
So once you have eaten some great grilled chicken on the beach and consumed a few presidentes under your umbrella, you can dose in an out as you watch the planes about to land back at the sunset bar and grill.
So lets recap, quiet tucked away beach, grilled meats, cheap beers, beach rentals and beautiful views.
So once you have eaten some great grilled chicken on the beach and consumed a few presidentes under your umbrella, you can dose in an out as you watch the planes about to land back at the sunset bar and grill.
So lets recap, quiet tucked away beach, grilled meats, cheap beers, beach rentals and beautiful views.